Spray Rating TESTER 513

Spray Rating TESTER 513


ผู้นำเข้าและจัดจำหน่ายโดย  SUMETH LABTEST LTD. Thailand


Spray Rating TESTER 513

The Spray Test is a simple method to determine the resistance of any fabric, which may or may not have been given a waterresistant or water-repellent finish, to surface wetting by water. It is not intended to predict waterproofness, since it does not measure the penetration of water through fabric. A specified volume of distilled water is sprayed centrally onto an inclined test specimen. Stringent quality control of the nozzle hole pattern, combined with accurate height setting above the specimen, ensure a consistent spray flow and formation, critical to the requirements of the International standards. The spray rating is determined by comparing the appearance of the tested specimen with descriptive standards and photographs. The AATCC Spray Test Rating Chart is available for this purpose.