The Mini-Martindale™ is the latest, revolutionary addition to a well-established family of four-station and six-station Nu-Martindale instruments.
ผู้นำเข้าและจัดจำหน่ายโดย SUMETH LABTEST LTD. Thailand
The Mini-Martindale™ is the latest, revolutionary addition to a well-established family of four-station and six-station Nu-Martindale instruments.
HEALS were the first to manufacture a larger capacity, six-station instrument and now introduce a unique, single-station machine.
The Mini- is an affordable machine, which will suit occasional users and those, who need a Martindale for development work or production control.
The Mini-Martindale™ is much more than a scaled-down version of a four- or six-station machine. It’s a machine in its own right, incorporating several, innovative design features.
The Mini- has a powerful drive system to overcome the high levels of friction, which are generated, when rubbing, for example, rubber gloves against glass paper. The drive makes the machine suitable for a variety of similar applications.
As well as being manufactured from corrosion-resistant materials, the new Mini- can withstand the ingress of water, so that it can be used safely for wet testing.
Additionally, this superbly versatile new machine can operate at higher speeds. For textiles, this feature creates very interesting possibilities for accelerating what has been until now a very slow test and, for non-textiles, it permits new applications and methods to be easily devised.
With provision for accommodating thicker specimens, and with facilities for operating at higher speeds, and with increased loading, the Mini-Martindale™ is a genuine, multi-purpose machine.
If you would like to use the machine for a new application, we invite you to submit samples to us for evaluation. Factory modifications are available to suit most types of materials and abradants.
The Mini- is another world-class HEAL’S product, fully supported by HEALINK – our world-leading Maintenance and Calibration Service – covering installation, operator training, regular maintenance, UKAS-accredited calibration and on-line technical and applications support. Please ask for more details.